About ...


... life, universe and everything ...

You, who knows that the answer is and always will be 42, can tell about what generation I belong to - the others may google.I have grown up with Duglas ADAMS, Isaak ASIMOV, Arthur C. CLARK and Robert A. HEINLEIN, Majong and Doppelkopf, having a good time in IAYC's - which continue to attract youngsters from all over the place (see www.iayc.org). A life lasting experience with photography as a kind of spin-off hobby which persists. Moved from smelly dark-rooms to computers ...Well, over the time the collection of pictures slumbering on my hard disk kept growing and I asked myself, what to do about them after all ?You just found out. If by any chance you happen to like my photos part of my pictures are available on Shutterstock.Looking forward to hearing from you .Cheers Ralph